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Africa Week

Within the framework of Morocco’s return  into the African Union, its African Home, the University of Moulay Ismail “Africa Week”  under the theme: “South-South Cooperation: What role the university has for a sustainable cooperation” from May 22nd- 25th, 2017 in all institutions pertaining to Moulay Ismail University of Meknes.

This first edition will be an opportunity to bring and gather  African and Moroccan researchers, leaders, and politicians  to discuss social economic and political  issues that touch on the  relationship  between Morocco and Africa, as well as between the two entities and the rest of the world .Several papers  and workshops will be presented and directed during that Africa Week, dealing with different themes such as pluralistic Africa, the role of the university in cooperation among African countries, amon other things.

This week will also be devoted  to cultural and sports activities in order to present the richness and diversity of the cultural and artistic heritage of Africa.It is worth noting that the UMI has more than 717 African students who will be hosting different events during this African festival.


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