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Chinese Gervernment Scholarship Program: Call for Applications

The Call for Applications for the Chinese Gervernment Scholarship Program is now open. Click here to apply now​


Happy New Year 2015

Université Moulay Ismaïl wishes you happy new year. May all your dreams and hopes come true.


2nd International Conference on: “Professional Development and Reflective Teaching”

Research Group on “Applied Linguistics & the Teaching of Languages” organizes its second International Conference on: “Professional Development and Reflective Teaching” on May 07th-08h, 2014


Fatima Al Fihri project: 2nd WEBINAR for the second call for applications (EMA2 Lot 1)

Within EMA2 Lot 1 Fatima Al Fihri scholarship project for North Africa nationals (, a second webinar (online conference) will be launched on January 30th 2014 at 6 pm (central European time) to provide you further information about the second call for applications and its facts


Happy New Year 2014

Université Moulay Ismaïl wishes you happy new year. May all your dreams and hopes come true.  


2nd call for applications: Fatima Al Fihri project EMA2 Lot 1

2nd call for applications: Fatima Al Fihri project EMA2 Lot 1 (for North African and European students)


Happy New Hijri Year 1435

We wish you Happy New Hijri Year 1435


British Council: Call for application

British Council is launching the British Council Researcher Links initiative, in partnership with various research and higher education organisations from around the world including Morocco.


1st International Tournament Table Tennis University, University Moulay Ismail in Meknes, 12-13 and March 14, 2013

Après le succès de la 1ère édition du tournoi national universitaire de tennis de table, l’UMI donnera cette année à cette manifestation sportive une ampleur internationale. En effet, l’Université Moulay Ismail de Meknès organise le 1er Tournoi international Universitaire de Tennis de...


Signing of a cooperation agreement between the University Moulay Ismail and Challenge Association (Montpellier-France)

Une convention cadre de coopération dans les domaines de la formation et du développement social a été signée le Mardi 26 Février 2013 entre l’Université Moulay Ismail et l’association Défi. La cérémonie de signature a eu lieu au siège de la Présidence de l’UMI en présence...


Competition notice: Specialized Master “social intermediation and Development”

La Doyenne de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Meknès porte à la connaissance des étudiants qu’un Master spécialisé en « Développement social et intermédiation » est ouvert au sein de l’établissement pour l’année universitaire 2012-2013. Conditions d’accès :...


Tempus IV: Launch of the sixth call for proposals 2013

La “Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency” relevant de la Commission Européenne lance le 6ème et dernier appel à propositions du programme TEMPUS. Pour plus d’informations (guides, e form, lignes directrices…) visiter les liens suivants:...


Grand Prix Hassan II invention and research in agriculture

Le Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche Maritime organise la Huitième édition du Grand Prix Hassan II pour l’Invention et la Recherche dans le domaine agricole, au titre de l’année 2013. L’éligibilité concerne tous les marocains résidants au Maroc et à l’étranger ainsi que...


The University Moulay Ismail University launches incubator “iBDA3” where the idea is an innovative company.

Poussée par sa volonté d’exceller dans l’innovation et le transfert de la technologie, l’université Moulay Ismail à créer un incubateur universitaire pour la région Meknès Tafilalet. IBDA3 (créativité et innovation), au service de développement du business, est un incubateur...

Master Scholarships for Biology Students

The Université libre de Bruxelles is coordinating the Erasmus Mundus TROPIMUNDO Master programme for which the European Commission offers a certain number of fully covering scholarships for EU and non-EU students. There are no country restrictions whatsoever. As Erasmus Mundus is the educational...

4th Conference on Quality Assurance of Higher Education

The Arab Network for quality Assurance in Higher Education (ANQAHE) is pleased to announce its Fourth Conference. The conference will encompass prominent keynote speakers, presentations and workshops. Delegates from higher education institutions and qualifications framework specialists, who will...

Scholarships – Summer Schools at RWTH Aachen University

The international academy announces that application portal for the 2019 Summer Schools at RWTH Aachen University is now open and that scholarships are available for selected programs (*). The DAAD scholarships (funded by the Federal Foreign Office) and International Academy scholarships will be...

Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme for Young Researchers from the European Neighbourhood

Universities of the Coimbra Group offer short-term visits to young researchers from higher education institutions from countries in the European Neighbourhood. The main aim of this scholarship programme is to enable scholars to undertake research in which they are engaged in their home institution...

A student of Moulay Ismail University invents a smart car model

The young Moroccan student Abdelaziz Edrahami invented a smart car in the form of "Robot" that can be piloted without a driver, and that has a number of features, most notably the speed adjustment and the distance precision. Simply determining the destination, it can function normally.

Errachidia: the opening ceremony of the International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences

On Thursday, March 3rd, 2016, the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies in Errachidia initiated the activities of the international symposium, which was organized at the initiative of the Department of the Mathematics Institution aforementioned in order to examine the computational mathematics and...